Port of Gangavaram offers incentives for using green fuel

Port of Gangavaram, India, offers 50% waiver on port dues for vessels propelled by environmentally friendly fuels such as LNG, ammonia, hydrogen, or electrical power effective from July 1, 2024.

This initiative applies to all vessels equipped with dual fuel engines that primarily use any of the aforementioned green fuels. To avail of the waiver, vessels must present valid certification—such as the International Air Pollution Prevention (IAPP) certificate—that verifies the engine specifications and the type of fuel used. This documentation is required both upon entering and departing the port limits.

While the waiver specifically targets port dues, all other standard vessel-related charges at Adani Gangavaram Port will continue to apply according to the port’s tariff schedule. This move is part of a broader effort to reduce maritime emissions and encourage the maritime industry’s shift towards more sustainable operations.

Tags: Green fuels, Port of Gangavaram, Vessels
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