Indian Register of Shipping certifies autonomous navigation system

The Indian Register of Shipping (IRS) has collaborated with Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited on the demonstration of an autonomous navigation system with dual navigation capabilities.

The demonstration took place on the tug MT Andaman.

The IRS team led by R. Srinivas, VP & HOD Electrical & Control System, conducted a thorough review of the autonomy concept, system documentation, software quality documentation and a detailed risk assessment in accordance with IRS Guidelines for Remotely Operated Vessels and Autonomous Surface Vessels.

The autonomous configuration also includes a Remote-Control Centre (RCC), specifically designed to control and or monitor the vessel from a remote location. Subsequent to installation of the autonomous systems on board the tug, IRS verified system functionality in line with the approved Harbor Acceptance Test procedure. Remote control of propulsion and steering systems from the RCC, as well as the monitoring of key machinery, navigation parameters, and situational awareness system at the RCC were also verified as part of harbor trials.

The trials successfully demonstrated collision avoidance in accordance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), alongside various emergency response measures such as handling the loss of primary controls and communication with the RCC.

The Indian Navy provided essential support during these sea trials by deploying an interceptor boat, contributing to the safety and success of the testing process.

Tags: IRS, Navigation, Shipping
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