Cargill partners with SFP to expand its decarbonization solutions

Cargill has taken its first step into large-scale biogas production by entering into a joint venture in relation to Sustainable Fuel Plant (SFP) Zeeland in The Netherlands, a subsidiary of SFP Group.

SFP Zeeland produces sustainable biomethane, a reliable renewable fuel, which enables customers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet their sustainability targets. It is produced by the breakdown of organic residues, valorizing a wide range of waste streams including agricultural, contributing to a circular economy. When cleaned up and upgraded to natural gas standards, biogas is sold as biomethane and used in similar applications, such as in transport, heating, and industrial use.

Through this partnership with SFP Group, Cargill would provide additional decarbonization solutions for its customers and improve the value of its core food, feed, and biofuel assets – all while playing a key role in the decarbonization of the food and transport sector.

SFP Zeeland has extensive experience in the biogas industry and adopts a circular economy approach. Rather than being dependent on specific feedstock, they focus on the ability to handle the lowest grades of waste feedstock, adding to optionality and flexibility for the future. It is also located near various Cargill assets including its bioenergy plants, all of which have waste streams that collectively create a unique opportunity to valorize.”

SFP Group’s philosophy is to build and operate scalable and easily reproducible biogas installations, in the Netherlands and beyond, to help accelerate Europe’s energy transition.

Tags: Biodiesel, Biogas, Cargill, Decarbonisation, SFP
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