Tata Steel invests in hydrogen-based steel production

Tata Steel, the largest CO2 emitter in the Netherlands, is investing more than €65 million in the design of hydrogen-based steel production in the city of Eimeiden.

Tata Steel signed an agreement on further technical training of production with three firms – McDermott, Danieli and Hatch. All of them have special qualifications to organize the production.

McDermott will be responsible for the technical management of the project. Danieli will oversee the plant’s engineering design and the technologies that provide the production of Direct Reduction Iron (DRI). Hatch is a licensee of electric furnace technology (REF).

The collaboration with McDermott, Danieli and Hatch is the beginning of the basic design, so that the company can concretize the plans.

Tags: CO2 eitter, Hydrogen, McDermott, Netherlands, TaTa Steel
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