IEA makes its energy data, statistics freely available through upgraded pages

In another major step towards making more IEA data freely available and accessible, the IEA has upgraded the Countries and Regions section of its website by adding a comprehensive range of statistics and information at the global, regional and national levels.

The revamped country pages are the latest example of the IEA delivering on recent mandates from its member countries on free and accessible data. The IEA was established in 1974 to promote energy security and provide authoritative analysis and policy advice for its member countries and beyond. Energy statistics are at the heart of that work, and the new country and region pages are part of the Agency’s efforts to provide policy makers and other stakeholders with the most timely and useful data and analysis available, which they can use to inform decision-making.

The Countries section of the website features 172 regional and country-level pages that provide an up-to-date snapshot of the energy system and recent trends in the energy mix, CO2 emissions, renewables deployment, energy efficiency, and the production, trade and consumption of electricity, oil, biofuels, gas and coal. The sections are designed to interactively guide the reader through energy flows and balances.

Reliable and timely energy data and statistics are fundamental to developing effective and efficient energy policies, as well as a key element in longer-term planning for investment in the energy sector. To this end, the IEA Energy Data Centre provides the world’s most authoritative and comprehensive source of global energy data. The focus is on quality, comparability, and alignment with internationally agreed definitions and methodologies, involving close collaboration with national offices responsible for energy statistics and other relevant stakeholders. The new country and region pages are part of the IEA’s ongoing work to make more of this crucially important data freely available, accessible and useable online.

The pages also reflect the Agency’s efforts to provide timely, valuable and impactful advice to governments worldwide. The IEA conducts comprehensive reviews of the energy policies of its member countries in a periodic cycle, and also less frequently of its partner and other countries. These reviews rely on the IEA’s world-class energy data as the basis of their analysis. The review’s recommendations aim to guide the country’s energy transition and promote energy security.

In 2024, together with member countries, the review process was streamlined and modernised, to make Energy Policy Reviews even more valuable and impactful. The new Energy Policy Review is tailored to country needs and priorities, providing high-quality, high-value advice on how to develop policy in focus areas. The review also highlights best practices to promote more sharing of lessons learned and successful policies. The new Countries section of the website complements policy highlights and recommendations in the new Energy Policy Reviews with interactive and updated information on energy systems.

Tags: CO2 Emissions, Energy, IEA
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