ADDED partners with Broaden Energy for hydrogen manufacturing hub

The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) has partnered with Broaden Energy to launch the first hydrogen equipment manufacturing complex in Abu Dhabi. The complex aims to support the goals of the Abu Dhabi Industrial Strategy (ADIS), advancing sustainability, developing value chains, and strengthening Abu Dhabi’s position as the region’s most competitive industrial hub.

This new manufacturing complex, with over AED1 billion ($272.2 million) in investments, will serve as a cornerstone for the region’s hydrogen economy. It will also create new job opportunities and stimulate economic development through innovative industrial solutions. ADDED and Broaden Energy will work closely to ensure the project aligns with the strategic goals of the UAE National Hydrogen Strategy and the Net Zero 2050 Strategy.

The UAE’s National Hydrogen Strategy sets a goal of making the country a top 10 producer of green hydrogen by 2031, with a target output of 1.4 million tons per year. The UAE also plans to establish hydrogen hubs to accelerate industry adoption of hydrogen, cultivating a supply chain and enabling infrastructure to attract global energy players. Additionally, by facilitating the local production of hydrogen equipment, the complex will enhance the country’s energy infrastructure and position Abu Dhabi as a center of industrial excellence and technological innovation.

Moreover, the partnership between ADDED and Broaden Energy will facilitate a continuous exchange of knowledge and research, with a focus on renewable energies and green hydrogen technologies. Additionally, as an integral part of Abu Dhabi’s growing industrial sector, this collaboration aims to drive innovation, accelerate the adoption of clean energy solutions, and encourage efforts to combat climate change.

Tags: ADDED, ADIS, Broaden Energy
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