Brunvoll to equip another DP2 Shuttle Tanker

Brunvoll has signed a contract with Samsung Heavy Industries Co., Ltd for the delivery of a manoeuvring package for Tsakos Energy Navigation Ltd new DP2 shuttle tanker. The contract is for equipment for one vessel, with two additional vessels as an option. Tsakos does already have two vessels under construction with the same equipment and this adds up to potentially five vessels in total.

The delivery from Brunvoll consists of three retractable azimuth thrusters, two tunnel thrusters, and Brunvoll’s Propulsion and Thruster Control system, BruCon PTC, with three operating positions. The combined power output of all the thrusters is approximately 17.000 kW.

The vessel will be Samsungs newbuilding no. 2708 and have a loading capacity of 154.400 deadweight tons. The vessels will be built according to Suezmax dimensions. Tsakos has a fleet of four DP2 huttle tankers in operation and three under construction, where of all have systems from Brunvoll.

Tags: Brunvoll, DP@ Shuttle
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