CMB.TECH and Damen agree to build four hydrogen dual fuel tugs

CMB.TECH and Damen have signed an agreement that will see Damen build four 80-tonnes bollard pull tugs powered by a CMB.TECH hydrogen dual fuel solution.

The agreement was signed May 23 during the 27th International Tug & Salvage (ITS) Convention in Dubai in a ceremony that came after, earlier in the day, Lloyd’s Register had presented the two companies with an Approval in Principle (AiP) for the hydrogen solution that will be installed in the tugs.

The vessels will each feature four high speed hydrogen dual fuel engines, designed to minimize NOx and CO2 emissions. They will also have modular storage systems for compressed hydrogen, ensuring safe storage below deck. Each tug can carry up to 16 hydrogen bottles, storing a total of 736 kilograms of pressurized hydrogen at 350 bar.

While the tugs will primarily run on hydrogen, they’re equipped to switch to traditional fuel if hydrogen isn’t available and can operate on 100% traditional fuel if needed. The tugs feature a total of 160 cubic meters of fuel hold capacity.

They will be built to Damen’s ASD Tug 2812 FF-H2 design, a variation on the new fuel flexible tug design just launched by Damen, the first of which will be a methanol dual fuel design.

Damen and CMB.TECH have previously cooperated on the development of a series of Commissioning Service Operations Vessels (CSOVs), powered by hydrogen dual fuel generator sets, that Damen is building for CMB.TECH’s subsidiary Windcat.

Tags: CMB.TECH, Damen, Hydrogen, Tugs
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