Hazer’s CDP plant to produce hydrogen in 2H 2023

Hazer said that its 100 t/yr commercial demonstration plant (CDP) in Munster, Western Australia will be ready to commence hydrogen production in the second half of 2023.

The CDP demonstrates Hazer’s technology on a commercial scale and a continuous basis, and is viewed as the final stage before commercial deployment.

The company has partnered with Canadian firms to build a pilot plant in British Columbia, Canada. The plant will be 25 times bigger than the CDP.

The plant will use biogas feedstock and iron ore as a catalyst to also produce 380 t/yr of graphitic carbon.

The carbon intensity of the production process (although not disclosed) is likely to be very low compared to steam methane reformation, which produces 9kg of CO2 for every kg of hydrogen produced.

Hazer will likely use some of the hydrogen for domestic power generation. Discussions are ongoing with domestic and foreign offtakers for the use of the graphitic carbon.

The firm is also exploring opportunities for plants in Asia, Europe, and North America.

Tags: Australia, CDP, Hazer, Hydrogen
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