NTPC joins forces with Energy Dome for CO2 battery deployment

NTPC Ltd has announced the launch of its first CO2 battery energy storage project – a significant milestone in its journey towards sustainable and innovative energy solutions. The project shall be executed on a Turnkey basis by Triveni Turbine Limited along with their technology partner Energy Dome.

The plant will be set up in NTPC Kudgi plant premises with a capacity of 160MWhr and represents an important step in NTPC’s broader strategy to diversify its energy portfolio and increase the share of renewable power generation in its total capacity.

The adoption of CO2 Battery is well aligned with the Government of India initiative of ‘Make in India’ and ‘Atmanirbhar’ policies, providing significant opportunities for the existing industrial supply chain in India, not only for domestic CO2 Battery projects but potentially also for global export markets.

Tags: Battery, CO2, Exports, NTPC
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