Japanese classification society ClassNK has awarded approval in principle (AiP) for a design concept of a hydrogen-fueled engine-compatible oil tanker with an electric propulsion system.
The design was developed by Uyeno Transtech, Yanmar Power Technology, and Mitsui E&S Shipbuilding as part of the “Development of Large-scale Hydrogen-fueled Domestic Tanker and Demonstration of Zero-Emission Ships” project by the Nippon Foundation.
According to ClassNK, this is the world’s first AiP certification for the design of an oil tanker using liquefied hydrogen as a fuel.
Prior to issuing an approval, ClassNK conducted a review of the design concept based on its “Rules and Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships” incorporating the IGF Code, Part D of “Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels; Guidelines for Ships Using Hydrogen as Fuel (Edition 3.0.0)”, and “Guidelines for Fuel Cell Power Systems On Board Ships (Second Edition)”.
This is also the first AiP awarded by ClassNK through the review based on Part D of “Guidelines for Ships Using Alternative Fuels”, released in May 2024.
Tags: AiP, Class NK, Liquified, Oil Tanker
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