EU and India to collaborate on green hydrogen

Green Hydrogen

According to theAmbassador of the European Union to India, there is great potential for India and the European Union (EU) in the field of green hydrogen for taking initiatives like the EU’s Global Gateway and thereby accelerate green transition,

The ambassador was speaking at an event organized by RIS in collaboration with the Ministry of External Affairs and the EU-European External Action Service on India-EU Cooperation in Green Hydrogen: Towards Sustainable Energy Transition.

The EU’s REPowerEU Plan aims, among other things, to boost Green Hydrogen Partnerships to facilitate green hydrogen import (to the EU) and support the decarbonisation in the partner countries.

REPowerEU has set a target of 10 million tonnes (mt) of domestic renewable hydrogen production (in the EU) and 10 mt of renewable hydrogen imports (to the EU) by 2030.

India’s proposed National Green Hydrogen Mission aims to transform the country into a green hydrogen hub and a global leader in exports of the commodity. Moreover, India announced its Green Hydrogen Policy in February for the current year.

Tags: eu, Green Hydrogen, Hydrogen, India, REPowerEU
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