GCMD presents case study of its bio bunker fuel trials

Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation’s (GCMD) Chief Strategy Officer, Dr Sanjay C Kuttan, presented GCMD’s case study on biofuels trials in a recent Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) seminar, organised by its Marine Fuels Committee.

During his presentation, Dr Sanjay emphasised the importance of sourcing biofuels regionally and using larger tankers for fuel transport to minimise GHG emissions. While this might seem obvious, Dr Sanjay substantiated this point by discussing what constitutes transport emissions. 

Dr Sanjay highlighted that applying this same value might be efficient from a reporting standpoint but doesn’t consider the distances covered or tanker sizes, which can influence fuel consumption and therefore absolute emissions. 

As such, using the default value risks:

  • Overestimating GHG emissions for short-distance transport
  • Underestimating GHG emissions for longer-distance transport or transport using smaller tankers

As GCMD recently concluded its biofuels supply chain trials, GCMD said it will soon release a series of reports containing detailed insights.

Tags: Bio Bunker, Dr Sanjay C Kuttan, GCMD
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