Strategic Biofuels receives air permit approval

Strategic Biofuels has announced that its Louisiana Green Fuels (LGF) project has been issued an air permit from the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), another milestone in advancing the low carbon footprint liquid fuel plant.

The facility will be classified as a ‘synthetic minor’ and will be subject to all applicable state and federal regulations, including the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

The LGF project integrates three key elements that through key engineering innovation, led by Hatch, has the ability to reduce the total emissions by 70% below the allowable limit if each of the facilities were operated independently. The three project components include a biorefinery converting forestry waste to renewable fuel, a biomass-fired ‘green energy’ power plant for the entire facility, and a carbon sequestration complex to permanently store the carbon dioxide captured from both.

Tags: Approval, Permit, Receives, Strategic Biofuels
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