Cementation Skanska initiates trials on dual-fuel piling rig

Cementation Skanska to commence testing a prototype dual-fuel hydrogen and diesel piling machine. The project is named ZECHER for Zero Carbon Hydrogen Construction Equipment for Real-world use.

The project’s aim is to drive cutting carbon emissions on sites and hopes to show that conversion to dual-fuel will save up to 50% CO2 in the duty cycle.

In what is claimed to be a world-first, a Soilmec rotary and CFA piling rig has been retrofitted for dual-use.

Cementation will put the converted machine through its paces at its plant and fabrication facility at Bentley Works, south Yorkshire.

The Government-backed trial supported by hydrogen fuel pioneer ULEMCo and the BRE will also provide a proof of concept for converting other heavy on-site construction equipment.

Tags: Cementation Skanska, CFA piling rig, Diesel, Dual-Fuel, Hydrogen
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