Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann along with Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri inaugurated India’s largest bio energy plant at Bhuttal Kalan in Sangrur district. It has been constructed by Verbio AG, one of Germany’s leading bio-energy companies, at a cost of Rs 230 crore and spread over 20 acres of land.
Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) plant’s present production is about 6 tons per day (TPD), but Union minister announced that after its inauguration, soon this plant would process 300 TPD of paddy straw at maximum capacity to produce 33 TPD of CBG using 8 digesters of 10,000 cubic meters.
The union minister also said that central government has been taking all required steps to help state governments to carry out development works.
Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann said that Verbio Group has evinced keen interest in setting up more such plants in the state. CM also sought cooperation from farmers and all state residents to end stubble burning to protect environment from pollution.
Tags: Bio Energy, Biogas, Hardeep Singh Puri
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