NREL publishes assessment of BQ-9000 biodiesel

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory released the seventh in a series of reports documenting the quality of biodiesel from U.S.- and Canadian-based producers that participate in the BQ-9000 program. The comprehensive report, authored by Robert L. McCormick, details the quality of biodiesel based on monthly data collected throughout the calendar year 2023.

The BQ-9000 program, a voluntary quality assurance initiative within the biodiesel industry, continues to play a critical role in ensuring high standards of biodiesel production. The 2023 report features significant advancements highlighting new parameters that offer a more comprehensive analysis on biodiesel quality and mineral content. New data includes kinematic viscosity, sulfated ash, distillation temperature, carbon residue, and cetane number, as well as individual levels of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium levels.

Quality data was provided by BQ-9000 participants to a team of experts who anonymized the data before it was submitted to NREL for statistical analysis, ensuring the confidentiality of the participating producers.

Tags: Biodiesel, BQ-9000, NREL
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