US DOE’s funding for clean vehicle technologies

The US Department of Energy (DOE) declared a $96 million funding to support decarbonizing the domestic transportation sector.

The funding will focus on expanding electric vehicle (EV) charging accessibility, create cleaner non-road vehicles through electrification and the use of alternative fuels, and develop electric drive components and materials to maximize EV efficiency and affordability.

Non-road vehicles, including agricultural and construction equipment, rail, marine and aviation, are a major source of pollution, emitting more carbon pollution than any other sector of the US economy.

Lowering vehicle emissions will support President Biden’s goal to achieve to net-zero economy by 2050. Further, in accordance with President Biden’s Justice40 Initiative, applicants for this funding must show how proposed projects will benefit traditionally disadvantaged communities that lack access to clean energy sources.

Tags: Clean vehicle technologies, Decarboniszation, Electric Vehicles, USDOE
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